PDQDRIVE.TXT Mon 12-05-1994 21:38:47 PDQDRIVE.EXE ------------ Another one of my simple minded programs that started out as a ten minute review of how to extract all the valid -local- (not remote Network drives... we'll do that one later...) with CALL INTERRUPT without have DOS squawk and throw up error messages. Got sort of carried away with the shadow boxes, the text box positioning, and the key strokes to advance the program. Then threw in a date and time indicator just for the hell of it. But the elemental code is pretty good and can be cut and pasted into your own stuff without a hitch. Use RUN.BAT to load and RUN PDQDRIVE.BAS from inside the QuickBASIC 4.5 interpreter. Had to give you a Quick Library as I used four QuickPAK Professional routines from Crescent to show the valid and non valid drives in a small scroll box. Could have done it in QuickBASIC but that would have made this ten minute... going on six hours project... another six hours of fooling around. I need these routines for a program I plan to write (some day) to display all the "Slack Space" of all of your hard drives. Sort of a "Son of CLUSTR.EXE," one of my highly-downloaded and therefore highly complained about programs. Yes... as I wander the computer stores I find ravenous buyers for gigabyte and near gigabyte hard drives these days... they will need my "SLACKER.EXE" if I ever get around to writing it.... John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571